Creating Disruptive Innovations that Transform Health and Life Sciences.

My solutions have created disruptive innovations focused on improving health and life sciences organizations in the face of a competitive and disaggregated healthcare environment.

Luxury Health and Wellness
(Current Client)

The growth in medical tourism and global medical concierge services has grown over 8% in Asia and North America to almost $3T USD.
How do you grow a luxury health and wellness brand through partnerships with five-star luxury hotel systems and leverage their global footprint?

InHome Medical Services & Care
(Current Client)

Deferred care from the pandemic coupled with consumer preferences to avoid the traditional medical campus has created pent up demand for in-home medical services.  How does a private equity company grow their business and leverage contemporary technologies to create organic and accretive growth?

Bringing Data to Life (Current Client)

Every company is struggling with increased IT costs driven by: accelerated technologies, mergers that kluge together disparate systems, rotating turnstile of CIOs promoting different solutions - all combined creating inefficiencies, multiple sources of truth and delayed or suboptimal decision-making.  How do you create intentional strategies that deliver lower costs and higher yields in healthcare and life sciences?

AI Autonomous Diagnostics (Current Client)

AI is playing a pivotal role in advancing diagnostics and patient behavior, paving the way for more accurate diagnoses, personalized treatment options, and improved patient engagement in managing their health.  How are you positioning your organization to exploit and deliver AI advancements?

Global Medical Concierge

Healthcare is increasingly becoming global with patients seeking higher levels of care outside of their home county.  How do you adjust your care delivery model to accommodate their expectations and culture?

Retail Healthcare

Imagine your patients accessing care in their daily routines with a "store-in-store" strategy for access and convenience.  Where are you waiting for your patients?

Human-Centered Design

"This would all be so easy if there weren't patients involved!"  Healthcare requires empathy to  drive behaviors for better health outcomes.  Are you leading your patients to better outcomes?

Personalized Care

Our disaggregated health system is creating barriers to personal care.  Using predictive analytics, we can meet them where they are in their journey to care.  Are you on the same journey or lost in analysis paralysis?

Covid Response

During COVID-19, when it came to creating national solutions with FEMA, to providing the "bubble" for the N.B.A., or ensuring covid safety for President Biden's inauguration, you had to be agile, accurate, and, urgent.

Network Management

Members and patients want convenience and access to care when they want it, where they want it and how they want it.  Are you managing their needs or yours?

Omni Channel Engagement

Patients want access to convenient care in their own way.  Patients are demanding that their healthcare reflect their retail online experience.  These new "front-doors" must work to create a relationship between you and your patients.  What doors are you opening?

Organizations who have benefited from this unique approach to innovation

Medical Concierge

Care Delivery

Retail Access